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Why I run for Dana Farber:


Dana Farber is a world leader in adult and pediatric cancer treatment and research. Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that has touched my family, as it has far too many others. I run and fundraise for Dana Farber in memory of my mother, Judi. For over 27 years, Judi battled leukemia with an unparalleled grace, elegance and strength that are a true reflection of the amazing person that she was. Unfortunately, her battle came to an end but much like her lasting legacy in love, the #JudiStrong efforts will continue. 


When Judi was first diagnosed with leukemia in 1994, she was given 2-3 months to live, but with incredible support from endless medical teams, we were able to have 27 more amazing years — a testament to what continued research and patient care shows. 

For those that had the privilege of knowing her, she is someone who truly made a lasting impact on everyone she met. The #JudiStrong fundraising efforts are her way of continuing to positively impact families and individuals that are facing similar challenges.


Since 2014, we've been able to raise over $135,000 in memory of my mother for Dana Farber.



Dana Farber's mission:


The Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge (DFMC), in collaboration with the Boston Athletic Association,

offers the exciting opportunity to run the Boston Marathon@ while raising critical funds to benefit the

Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.


The Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research supports new lines of research, playing an essential role in the development of early-career scientists who work on a broad range of research investigations that yield new clues about cancer. Based on a rigorous and highly selective process, the Barr Program selects the brightest scientists and funds their innovative ideas, propelling basic research discoveries that transform cancer treatment. Claudia Adams Barr Program investigators have made tremendous advances and spearheaded breakthroughs that are improving care, quality of life, and survival for patients everywhere.

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